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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Krista Knudsen (R)

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Legislative Update 03.07.25

Friday, March 7, 2025
Knudsen Banner 2025

Legislative Update

Dear friends and neighbors,

I hope this message finds you well! As we dive into another busy week, I wanted to take a moment to share some updates from the Capitol. We had an exciting rally, voted on and heard a few notable bills, and received the February budget forecast. Thank you for taking the time to read my update!

Preserving Girls Sports Rally

We were honored to host Riley Gaines, Jack Brewer, Ben Utecht, and other inspiring speakers at a rally on Monday in support of HF12—the bill to preserve girls' sports. The event drew an enthusiastic crowd, and our message was clear: boys should not compete in girls' sports. During the House floor session that afternoon, HF12 sparked passionate debate from legislators on both sides of the aisle. Unfortunately, House Democrats did not support our vulnerable female athletes and voted against HF12, preventing it from passing. Despite this setback, we remain hopeful and are keeping the bill on the general register, ready to revisit the issue later in the session.


I am incredibly grateful to Riley Gaines and all of the dedicated advocates who took the time to join us in Minnesota. Their passion and commitment to preserving girls' sports is truly inspiring. I am also fortunate to work alongside like-minded colleagues who share this important mission and continue to stand up for our female athletes.

Budget Forecast

The February budget forecast came out from the state yesterday morning. They predicted a $6 billion deficit for the 2028-2029 biennium, a direct result of reckless and excessive spending by Democrats, particularly during the last session. They squandered an $18 billion surplus, raised taxes by $10 billion, and still managed to lead us into one of the largest budget deficits in Minnesota’s history. The solution to this crisis is not more tax hikes and increased spending. Instead, we must take immediate action to rein in spending, restore fiscal responsibility, and prevent our state from sinking further into financial trouble.


We heard HF13 yesterday on the floor. This bill corrects an existing law that penalizes self defense, and it is absolutely necessary to pass so that people feel empowered to protect themselves in dangerous situations. Minnesotans should feel empowered to act in self defense in life-threatening circumstances, which is accomplished by removing the duty to retreat. It aligns Minnesota with other states that prioritize personal safety and reinforces a fundamental principle: everyone deserves the ability to defend themselves when faced with imminent harm. The bill came to a vote, and Democrats chose not to support it so it did not pass. House Republicans are still committed to this bill and the premise behind it, and will fight to get it passed in the future. See my floor speech below!


Pequot Lakes Schools

It was great to see Superintendent Kurt Stumpf & High School Principal Aaron Nelson from Pequot Lakes this week. They came to our Education Finance committee to give a presentation on PSEO/CIS. 

Pequot Lakes

Eggs and Issues Legislative Breakfast

Last Friday I was able to attend the annual "Eggs and Issues" Legislative Breakfast in Brainerd. I spoke at the event along with other legislators from the area primarily about jobs and the economy in our communities. This event is a valuable opportunity to give updates to local residents and share about our progress at the Capitol. 

Staff Highlight

I am proud to introduce you to my Legislative Assistant, Karen Hartwig! Karen is a phenomenal asset to my team, as she ensures my office runs smoothly and supports me in so many ways. Thank you, Karen, for the work that you do for me as a legislator.


Please Reach Out

You can reach my office at or by phone at 651-296-9918. Follow me on Facebook for more frequent updates.

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