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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Kaohly Vang Her (DFL)

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Legislative Update: February 10, 2025

Monday, February 10, 2025
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Dear Neighbors,  

Since my last newsletter, House DFL Leader Melissa Hortman announced a bipartisan power-sharing agreement that allows the Minnesota House to begin conducting business, which started Thursday at 3:30 pm.

Democrats fought for and secured our biggest goal – a power-sharing agreement that ensures Rep. Brad Tabke can serve the term to which he was elected and prevents Republicans from throwing out an election in the future just because they don’t like the result. Minnesotans delivered a tied House on Election Night and this power-sharing agreement allows us to govern together once the legislature returns to a 67-67 tie. 

It’s important to note that this is the power-sharing agreement Democrats have been seeking since the beginning of session - and one that Minnesotans support.

By staying united and strong in our fight for our democracy, we succeeded in preventing Republican extremism. If Donald Trump and Republicans in the Minnesota Legislature continue to push limits in ways that either ignore the rule of law, threaten our democratic institutions, or punish Minnesotans, we will stand together and fight it.  I’m ready to continue my legislative work at the capitol. As the DFL Chair of Commerce, I am excited to share the stories and lessons I’ve heard in our community to advance our goals. 

Here are some highlights of the last week in our community.

Minnesota Farmers Union Meeting

It’s no secret.  Farmers were severely hurt by the tariff wars during the last Trump presidency. Now, they are facing cuts to important programs they rely on. I’m a member of the Minnesota Farmers Union, and I recently met with them regarding the halt in federal funding for farmers. Though we are limited in state government to influence the current federal administration, I plan to help with measures such as the small farm homestead tax credit to ease the pain.


Meeting with Congresswoman McCollum

To ensure we’re working best with our federal partners, I often meet with federal representation. Our Congresswoman Betty McCollum is a fierce fighter for the Fourth Congressional District and continues to deliver millions of dollars in tech, innovation, and infrastructure. We stand united in our fight and to navigate these next 4 years together.


POCI Caucus Town Hall

The Minnesota People of Color and Indigenous Caucus held our town hall in the Rondo neighborhood.  We discussed topics of gender violence, after-school programs, and funding for educators. I am thankful to all the community members who came out to lend their voices to the issues. Together, we’re making a difference.


Appearance on 3HmongTV

The Minnesota Asian Pacific (MAP) Caucus appeared on  3HMONGTV, where we discussed a range of important topics, including quorum and the significance of power sharing, our achievements over the past two years and what we must protect, the impact of federal executive orders and decisions on our state, immigration and deportation issues and available community resources, and the crucial role of elections.

You can watch the interview here!


Nothing but Hemp Tour

I toured Nothing But Hemp, established out of the need and desire to provide an all-encompassing hemp experience. They have served over 200,000 people nationwide.

I was proud to vote for the legalization of adult-use cannabis in 2023, increasing options for people to treat conditions like PTSD and chronic pain while providing relief for the thousands of minor offenders who have been unfairly swept up in our criminal justice system.  


Saint Paul Delegation Reception with Saint Paul Public Schools

Our public education system is the reason why Minnesota has a strong workforce pipeline. Though it is not a perfect system, all those invested in giving our kids the best start gathered to discuss how we can continue to support Saint Paul Public Schools SPPS. I am grateful to have a strong partnership with the SPPS School Board. The Saint Paul Delegation stands with you in building the best education system for our kids.


Meeting with Local Girl Scouts

I ended my week meeting with Girl Scouts.  These talented girls are working on providing care packages for animal rescues. They were inquisitive and asked fantastic questions. We had such a productive conversation on the issues they care about, including animal abuse, bodily autonomy, and the environment.


Stay Connected

Please continue to reach out to my office at 651-296-8799 or, and you’ll hear back from me or my Legislative Assistant, Emma. I always appreciate hearing from you!

You can also follow along on my official Facebook page, and subscribe to these regular emails if you haven’t already. 

Thank you again for the incredible honor of representing our community!



Kaohly Vang Her

State Representative