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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Ron Kresha (R)

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News from Representative Kresha 03-06-2015

Friday, March 6, 2015
Hello Neighbors,
With any luck the High School Tournaments will go well and there won't be any significant storms. I am looking forward to a mild transition to Spring with moderate, well-timed rainfall to help the Spring planting. That's not too much to ask, is it?
This last week I have worked on initiatives that are centered around education, at risk kids, and improving business growth.
Early Education
Art Rolnick, one of the biggest proponents of Early Learning Scholarships, has consistently stated that the best return on investment for early learners is a program that targets at-risk students and involves parents. I have worked with Mr. Rolnick and I am offering bills to target preschool scholarships to the children in most need. Mr. Rolnick has been clear, and the studies suggest as well, that universal preschool will only attract students who may not need services and that our schools cannot accommodate all the children; therefore, we should ONLY target our high needs children with limited resources. I have been a leader in school choice and access to quality academic programs.
Government Agency Rulemaking
My rulemaking bill was heard in Government Operations this week that allows for more oversight to the agencies when they create rules that have a substantial economic impact. Too often I hear of a rule that was implemented that creates barriers in our communities. It is my intention to allow legislators to review rules before they are implemented. I was sent to St. Paul to represent our area and put together policy. I don't wish to delegate my job to agencies without proper approval.
Kids At Risk
I have introduced three bills this week that relate to preschool scholarships and opportunity. I am trying to provide a working framework for at risk children and families. Too often we don't offer mentorship and opportunities to our most vulnerable. Scholarships provide choice and access to high quality programs with a solid return on education later in life.
I continue to look for ways to improve the local control climate for our schools and to help good teachers get into the classroom sooner. It is no surprise that we have a teacher shortage and we need to help people who can teach effectively get into a classroom. Our next generation is counting on our efforts today.
One unfortunate setback happened to the Child Protection bill that I passed off the House floor with zero opposition. The bill was scheduled to be voted on in Senate and a couple of Senate DFL members chose politics over kids safety and had the bill pulled. I was hopeful it would have been on the way to the Governor by now, but that is not the case. I will step up my efforts for our youngest, most vulnerable, and keep you posted on the progress of the bill.
Please consider taking my online survey if you haven't received a copy in the mail. Your feedback is appreciated and I hope you'll pass it along to your friends and family in our community as well so I can hear from them.
Click here to take my 2015 survey.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the warmer temperatures that are soon to be here.
Warmest Regards,
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