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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Ron Kresha (R)

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News from Representative Kresha 04-11-2014

Friday, April 11, 2014
Dear Neighbors,
The snow has finally given way to the soothing temperatures and Spring winds. I see the Mississippi river is free of ice and I look forward to traveling home this weekend for the Easter break.
I have been following all the school track meets and baseball games. It is refreshing to see communities beginning to come out of Winter. I hope you have a joyous and spiritual Easter!
Here are a couple notes from this week in the legislature.
Aquatic Invasive Species
The Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council bill was passed this week appropriating money towards a solution to our aquatic species invasion problem. This bill did have some strong provisions towards the preservation of our outdoor heritage.
Economic Opportunities and Women's Security Act
As a father of four daughters, I am a strong supporter of making sure my daughters have always understood there are to be no roadblocks in life for them.
I am very proud of them and one of their biggest supporters. As a former teacher and employer I also believe we make sure that all people, men and women, have the ability to reach their potential.
Therefore, I extended my philosophy into a vote for the GOP Women and Economic Security amendment put forth by Rep. Sarah Anderson and I also voted in favor of the final House Women and Economic Security Act bill. It was very encouraging to work on a bipartisan effort for this issue.
Senate Office Building
I have received a lot of email about this building. As you may know, this building was hidden in the 2013 tax bill, instead of the bonding bill. The building plan did come back to the House rules committee and was approved. This building, when it is finally complete, will be 77 million dollars plus the cost of a parking structure.
I don't believe this was the best solution to solving the reduced available office space during the Capitol renovation. I cannot stop it but can only imagine the positive effect we could've had on long-term care or education had the money been used differently.
During the week, the House also acted on minimum wage increases, safe school legislation, DNR bills, pension funds, transportation, and veteran housing to name a few.
Please enjoy the weather and don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. You can reach me by email at or by phone at 651-296-4247.
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