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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Ron Kresha (R)

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News From Representative Kresha 5-13-16

Friday, May 13, 2016

Dear Neighbors!

It’s the time of year for our seniors to start thinking about crossing the stage for graduation. We’re lucky to have such great schools in our area, and I’m already looking forward to attending a grad party or two. I’m especially proud of my oldest daughter, Amelia, for graduating from Little Falls High School!

Bill Passes

This week, I passed a bill dear to my heart, SF2428, on a unanimous vote of 129-0. The legislation extends a bipartisan group of legislators working for at-risk kids, the Legislative Task Force on Child Protection. As co-chair of this group, I’m proud of the work we’ve done for Minnesota’s children, and look forward to continuing this dialogue in the future.

Road and Bridge Funding

Earlier today, I joined other Republican representatives to urge the governor to drop his gas tax proposal. I’ve heard loud and clear from my neighbors that we shouldn’t raise taxes when the state has a $900 million surplus. Just last year, I surveyed our district and found 72% of residents opposed raising this tax. I’m a better representative for our area by listening to my constituents, and I wholeheartedly agree we can fund roads and bridges without impacting your family’s budget.

 Fishing Opener

Happy opener! I’ll be out on the lake tomorrow trying to catch a lunker or two. If you can, take a kid and introduce them to fishing on one of our lakes. It’s a lifelong activity that never seems to get old.

With session winding down, please continue to reach out with any questions or concerns. I’m always free to chat, and hope you’ll call or email my office.

Enjoy the weekend, and good luck on the lake,


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