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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Peggy Scott (R)

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Legislative Update (Dec. 18, 2013)

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dear neighbor,

Yesterday we found out that the executive director of MNsure – the Minnesota arm of Obamacare – stepped down from her post. While it’s unclear what exactly drove her to resign, we know that she recently took a two week tropical vacation while Minnesotans who are seeking to be insured by January 1 were left in the cold.

Regardless of who is in charge of implementing Obamacare in Minnesota, the fact remains that ZERO Minnesotans have received insurance policy cards. Meanwhile, the MNsure help line is anything but helpful as Minnesotans face on average an hour-long wait to get help navigating this new government-organized healthcare bureaucracy. With just five days from the December 23 deadline for Minnesotans to get coverage through MNsure beginning January 1, 2014, Governor Dayton and Democrats have ignored the reality that MNsure is failing Minnesotans.


On December 5, I had the honor of taking part in a ceremony that recognized Andover High School senior Simeon Toronto. Simeon was elected governor of Boys State and president of Boys Nation last summer. I think this is only just the beginning of a bright future for Simeon. You can read more about the ceremony in the Anoka County Union by clicking here.

I recently met with the Anoka-Hennepin School Board to hear about their 2014 legislative priorities. I continue to share their concerns about unfunded mandates upon our schools.

Late in November, I had the opportunity to tour Pine Ridge Pet Care in Andover to learn more about their facility and the care they provide animals. As a dog owner, I have a special place in my heart for those who take care of our pets.

As, always, I’m interested in your feedback. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail at Rep.Peggy.Scott@House.MN or contact my office at 651-296-4231. You can also send me mail to my office address: 201 State Office Building, 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55155.




