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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Peggy Scott (R)

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Legislative Update (May 12, 2017)

Friday, May 12, 2017

Dear Neighbors,

State Budget

The last couple days we’ve been passing our joint budget bills with the Senate. Unfortunately, a senator’s father recently passed away, making it difficult for them to move bills. If you have a second, please say a prayer for this senator and her family as they grieve this loss.

During this time the House has been working hard, passing a number of these compromise bills. One of these is our $1.1 billion tax relief proposal. This bill targets relief for small business owners, recent college grads, working families, and more. I’ve heard from so many of you that believe since the state has a surplus, we should do our best to return these funds to hardworking taxpayers.

Another one of these proposals is our education plan. This agreement would invest $1.14 billion MORE into our state’s schools. We target Minnesota’s youngest learners with $378 million toward proven early learning programs. Our children are the future of our state, and we’re putting our students, teachers, and parents in a position to succeed in local schools.

We're working hard to get our work done on time, but it seems the governor is only interested in pushing this to the very end. Lawmakers have tried to set a compromise budget number, but the governor has only wanted to stagnate negotiations by focusing on a couple smaller bills. Again, the legislature is getting their work done, now we need the governor to be willing to help us finish these bills before May 22.

Important Bill

Just today, the House approved a bill, HF1001. This bill addresses the over-regulation in the home-building industry brought on by various state regulations that add to the cost of a home. This bill would require that any new regulation brought on by The Department of Labor and Industry that adds more than $1000 to the cost of a home be brought to the legislature for approval.

Legislative Letter

This week, I joined some of my fellow legislators to send a letter to Minnesota education commissioner regarding a resource for schools to deal with gender identity issues. We shouldn't be using state dollars to further a social agenda. If you feel the same way, please contact Commissioner Brenda Cassellius at

We’ll be back in session on Monday, but, in the meantime, be sure to wish any moms in your life a very Happy Mother’s Day! Our mothers play such an important part in our lives; we need to make sure they feel appreciated on their special holiday.

Enjoy the weekend weather, and Happy Mother’s Day!
