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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Peggy Scott (R)

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RELEASE: Rep. Peggy Scott Statement On MNsure Rate Increase

Thursday, September 1, 2016

ST. PAUL, MN—Health insurance premium rates through the failed $400 million MNsure website have reached historic levels. Preliminary rate increases were released through Healthcare.Gov on Thursday afternoon. Minnesota families and individuals who buy insurance on their own could pay an average increase around 60 percent, the highest average increase of any year since Governor Dayton and Democrats established MNsure.

Premiums in the MNsure exchange have risen in each of the three years new prices have been set, but the current hike is projected to be the largest once updated prices are finalized in the coming weeks.

“Governor Dayton and legislative Democrats continue to fail Minnesotans with a third-straight year of higher MNsure costs,” said Rep. Peggy Scott, R-Andover. “Instead of raising taxes – as the DFL proposed – we need to follow the lead of House Republicans to make health care more affordable for families throughout the state.”

In 2016, Scott voted to reduce the MNsure tax which would have saved families at least $22 million over the next three years. The measure passed the House, but was vocally opposed by Democrat legislators and was not enacted.


