Date:September 2, 1997
Contact: Lee Lambert
(651) 296-2146, Fax: (651) 297-8135
1997 State Fair Poll Results In
[St. Paul] Minnesotans want to crack down on drunk drivers, toughen up
regulations for personal watercraft use, and keep public dollars out of the pro sports
picture, according to the Legislature's unofficial opinion poll conducted during the
1997 Minnesota State Fair.
More than 8,100 people stopped by the House and Senate booths at the state fair and
completed the 12-question poll. The poll gave the public a chance to sound off about
issues of concern to the 1997-98 Legislature.
Results of the poll were tallied after the state fair concluded Sept. 1, 1997.
Here's a look at the poll questions and the responses from fairgoers.
1. Would you support a reduction in the definition of legal drunkenness for driving while intoxicated,
from 0.10 percent to 0.08 percent blood-alcohol content?
Yes | 58.1% | (4,588) |
No | 36.6% | (2,890) |
Undecided | 5.3% | (416) |
2. Currently, the state funds about two-thirds of K-12 education costs, with local property taxes picking
up most of the remaining expenses. In order to cover a larger portion of K-12 education costs and lower
reliance on local property taxes for schools, should the Legislature raise statewide taxes (such as income
and sales taxes)?
Yes | 37.4% | (2,937) |
No | 51.1% | (4,016) |
Undecided | 11.5% | (905) |
3. The state recently adopted a law requiring statewide testing for K-12 students. Should schools that
achieve better results on statewide tests receive additional funding as a reward for better performance?
Yes | 31.3% | (2,455) |
No | 59.2% | (4,653) |
Undecided | 9.5% | (749) |
4. Should the Legislature further regulate the use of personal watercraft on Minnesota Lakes and rivers?
Yes, numerous changes | 58.2% | (4,591) |
Yes, minor changes | 19.5% | (1,537) |
No | 13.4% | (1,057) |
Undecided | 8.9% | (699) |
5. Would you support an increase in the current state gasoline tax?
Yes, but only for highway construction | 21.9% | (1,714) |
Yes, but only for public transit | 27.7% | (2,160) |
No | 46.3% | (3,609) |
Undecided | 4.1% | (699) |
6. Would you be willing to pay for an increase in your monthly utility bill in order to implement a "green
electricity" program that would help to increase the use of renewable energy sources (such as wind power
or biomass)?
Yes, if the increase is minimal (less than 10%) | 36% | (2,824) |
Yes, if the increase is moderate (10% to 20%) | 11.5% | (903) |
Yes, even if there is a significant increase (greater than 20%) | 5.2% | (413) |
No | 41.5% | (3,266) |
Undecided | 5.8% | (452) |
7. Should a private corporation operate one or more of our state correctional facilities, if private
management would lower the cost of running our correctional system?
Yes, private sector should run all correctional facilities | 26% | (2,031) |
Yes, but there should be a mixed public and privately-run correctional system | 34.6% | (2,713) |
No | 27.4% | (2,149) |
Undecided | 12% | (945) |
8. Should the state take an active role in preventing professional athletic teams from leaving Minnesota?
Yes, if cost to taxpayers is minimal | 19.3% | (1,529) |
Yes, if cost to taxpayers is moderate | 5.7% | (455) |
Yes, even if cost to taxpayers is significant | 3% | (241) |
No | 70% | (5522) |
Undecided | 2% | (148) |
9. If there is a surplus in the state's budget, the money should be used primarily to:
Decrease income taxes | 18.5% | (1,358) |
Decrease sales taxes | 2.8% | (204) |
Decrease property taxes | 15.1% | (1,107) |
Increase funding for education | 27.6% | (2,021) |
Increase funding for health and social programs | 7.1% | (524) |
Increase funding for transportation | 2.3% | (170) |
Pay off long-term debt ahead of schedule | 12.8% | (939) |
Provide a one-time tax rebate | 13.8% | (1,010) |
10. Should a portion of lottery proceeds continue to be dedicated to the Environment and Natural
Resources Trust Fund for wildlife, water, and other conservation projects throughout Minnesota? If yes, for
how long? (Currently, 40 percent goes toward the trust fund.)
Yes, permanently | 58% | (4,423) |
Yes, for 50 years | 4.9% | (373) |
Yes, for 20 years | 12.8% | (978) |
No, the proceeds should be used for other purposes | 14.5% | (1,110) |
Undecided | 9.8% | (752) |
11. Should some juvenile court proceedings be open to the public? (Under current law, most of these
proceedings and the records they generate are closed to the public.)
Yes, in cases of child abuse and neglect | 12% | (909) |
Yes, in cases involving juvenile offenders | 14.4% | (1,086) |
Yes, for both of the above | 31.8% | (2,409) |
No | 29.9% | (2,266) |
Undecided | 11.9% | (903) |
12. Would you support allowing agricultural production of industrial hemp in Minnesota? (Industrial
hemp could be used for such purposes as clothing, rope, or paper production.)
Yes | 62.9% | (4,815) |
No | 20.6% | (1,575) |
Undecided | 16.5% | (1,266) |
The Legislature's survey is informal and unscientific. It is simply a
measurement of the opinions expressed by those who took the time to fill out a
questionnaire while visiting the House and Senate booths located in the Education
Our main purpose in conducting this opinion poll was to familiarize fairgoers
with some of the issues that have recently been discussed by the Legislature, and may
be debated during the upcoming Legislative Session.
Senate Stadium Poll Results In
[St. Paul] A computer poll devoted to the Twins stadium issue was conducted to
gather the opinions of Minnesotans who visited the Senate booth at the Minnesota
State Fair. More than 3,500 people completed the survey. Here are the results:
Number who support installation of slot machines at Canterbury Park to pay for a new stadium | 11.5% | (411) |
Number who support an increase in cigarette taxes to pay for a stadium | 12% | (426) |
Number who support creation of a state run casino to finance a stadium | 14.1% | (502) |
Number who do not support any state financing of a stadium project | 62.4% | (2,217) |
The Senate's computer poll is unscientific. It is simply a measurement of the
opinions expressed by those who took the time to complete the questionnaire while
visiting the Senate booth located in the Education Building.
Lee Lambert
House Information
Scott Magnuson
Senate Information