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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Transportation Finance and Policy - Meeting Minutes

2025-2026 Regular Session
EIGHTH MEETING - 3/10/2025
SIXTH MEETING - 3/3/2025
FIFTH MEETING - 2/26/2025
FOURTH MEETING - 2/24/2025
THIRD MEETING - 2/17/2025
SECOND MEETING - 2/12/2025
FIRST MEETING - 2/10/2025

Upcoming Meetings

Monday, March 17, 2025 at 1:00 PM
Chair: Rep. Jon Koznick
Location: Capitol 123

Five bills will be heard:

HF2066 (Wiener) Electric-assisted bicycle tax rebate repealed, appropriation cancelled, and money transferred.

HF340 (Stier) Crime of fleeing peace officer in motor vehicle modified to add heightened penalty for fleeing in culpably negligent manner, and crime of fleeing in motor vehicle and failing to obey certain traffic laws established.

HF341(Heintzeman) Penalties enhanced and minimum fines established for repeat violations of driving without a valid license.

Bills added to the agenda:
HF566 (Skraba) Provisions for operating all-terrain vehicles on public roads modified.

HF2107(West) Rental motor vehicle license plates established.

Note: This bill is removed from the agenda at the request of the bill author so no action will be taken on this bill today in Transportation Committee.

HF2130 (Kraft) Length of driver's license revocations related to certain offenses, length of time individuals must participate in the ignition interlock program modified, and ignition interlock program participants required to complete a treatment or rehabilitation program before reinstatement of full driving privileges.

Note: If you would like to testify for or against a bill, please contact Committee Legislative Assistant Cyndy Wallin by 3pm on Friday March 14, 2025. Email: Testimony will be limited to 2 minutes maximum per testifier and the Chair reserves the right to limit testimony to no more than 15 minutes each for and against on a bill. Also, no more than one testifier per organization. Any handouts or letters should be emailed to the committee legislative assistant by 3 pm on Friday March 14.

  • HF2066 (Wiener) - Electric-assisted bicycle tax rebate repealed, appropriation cancelled, and money transferred.
  • HF340 (Stier) - Crime of fleeing peace officer in motor vehicle modified to add heightened penalty for fleeing in culpably negligent manner, and crime of fleeing in motor vehicle and failing to obey certain traffic laws established.
  • HF341 (Heintzeman) - Penalties enhanced and minimum fines established for repeat violations of driving without a valid license.
  • HF2107 (West) - Rental motor vehicle license plates established.
  • HF566 (Skraba) - Provisions for operating all-terrain vehicles on public roads modified.
Bills Removed:
  • HF2130 (Kraft) - Length of driver's license revocations related to certain offenses, length of time individuals must participate in the ignition interlock program modified, and ignition interlock program participants required to complete a treatment or rehabilitation program before reinstatement of full driving privileges.