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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Elections Finance and Government Operations

2025-2026 Regular Session

Meets: Monday and Wednesday, 1 p.m. in Capitol G23
Committee Chair: Rep. Duane Quam (24A)


Committee Administrator: Pat Kaluza 651-297-8162
Committee Legislative Assistant: Rebecca Reiners 651-296-5398

Committee Documents

Meeting Minutes

Upcoming Meetings

Monday, March 17, 2025 at 1:00 PM
Chair: Rep. Duane Quam
Location: Capitol G23

I. Call to Order

II. Approval of Minutes

III. HF 1051 (Robbins) Sacred community requirements amended, municipalities authorized to regulate and establish approval processes for sacred communities, and remedy established for noncompliance.

IV. HF 16 (Rymer) Immigration law enforcement noncooperation ordinances and policies prohibited, use of immigration-related data provided, and county attorneys required to notify federal immigration authorities when an undocumented person is arrested for a crime of violence.

V. Adjournment

  • HF1051 (Robbins) - Sacred community requirements amended, municipalities authorized to regulate and establish approval processes for sacred communities, and remedy established for noncompliance.
  • HF16 (Rymer) - Immigration law enforcement noncooperation ordinances and policies prohibited, use of immigration-related data provided, and county attorneys required to notify federal immigration authorities when an undocumented person is arrested for a crime of violence.