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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

State of Minnesota



Friday , April 25, 1997

The following House Files were introduced:

Kelso introduced:

H. F. No. 2174, A bill for an act relating to education; recodifying kindergarten through grade 12 education statutes; amending Minnesota Statutes 1996, sections 120.02; 120.06; 120.062, subdivisions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , And 8a; 120.0621; 120.064; 120.075; 120.0751; 120.0752; 120.101, subdivisions 5, 5a, 5c, 7, 8, 9 , And 10; 120.102; 120.103, subdivisions 3, 4, 5 , And 6; 120.105; 120.11; 120.14; 120.73; 120.74; 120.75; 120.76; 120.80; 121.1601, by adding a subdivision; 122.01; 122.02; 122.03; 122.21; 122.22; 122.23; 122.241; 122.242; 122.243; 122.245, subdivision 2; 122.246; 122.247, subdivisions 2 and 2a; 122.248; 122.25; 122.32; 122.34; 122.355; 122.41; 122.43; 122.44; 122.45; 122.46; 122.47; 122.48; 122.531, subdivisions 1, 2c, 5a , And 9; 122.5311, subdivision 1; 122.532, subdivisions 2, 3a , And 4; 122.535; 122.541; 122.895; 122.91; 122.93, subdivisions 3 and 8; 122.95; 123.11; 123.12; 123.13; 123.15; 123.33; 123.335; 123.34; 123.35, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8c, 9b, 11, 12, 15, 20 , And by adding subdivisions; 123.36; 123.37; 123.38; 123.39; 123.63; 123.64; 123.66; 123.75, subdivisions 2, 3 , And 5; 123.751; 125.03; 125.05, subdivisions 1, 1a, 1c, 6 , And 8; 125.06; 125.09; 125.11; 125.12, subdivisions 1a, 2, 2a, 3, 3b, 4, 6, 6a, 6b, 7, 8, 9, 9a, 10, 11, 13 , And 14; 125.121; 125.13; 125.135; 125.138; 125.16; 125.17; 125.18; 125.182; 125.183; 125.184; 125.185; 125.187; 125.188, subdivisions 1, 3 , And 5; 125.1885, subdivision 5; 125.189; 125.1895, subdivision 4; 125.211, subdivision 2; 125.230, subdivisions 4, 6 , And 7; 125.231, subdivision 3; 125.53; 125.54; 125.60; 125.611; 125.62, subdivisions 2, 3 , And 7; 125.623, subdivision 3; 125.80; 126.05; 126.14; 126.1995; 129C.10, subdivisions 3, 3a, 3b, 4 , And 6; and 129C.15; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 120; 121; 122; 123; 125; and 129C; proposing coding for new law as Minnesota Statutes, chapters 120A; 120B; and 124D; repealing Minnesota Statutes 1996, sections 120.0112; 120.03; 120.05; 120.08; 120.1045; 120.17; 120.1701; 120.172; 120.173; 120.181; 120.1811; 120.182; 120.183; 120.185; 120.187; 120.188; 120.189; 120.190; 120.59; 120.60; 120.61; 120.62; 120.63; 120.64; 120.65; 120.66; 120.67; 120.71; 120.72; 121.11, subdivisions 5, 7c, 7d, 12 , And 14; 121.1115; 121.155; 121.166; 121.17; 121.203; 121.207; 121.585; 121.602; 121.608; 121.611; 121.615; 121.70; 121.701; 121.702; 121.703; 121.704; 121.705; 121.706; 121.707; 121.708; 121.709; 121.710; 121.831; 121.835; 121.8355; 121.85; 121.88; 121.882; 121.885; 121.904; 121.906; 121.908; 121.911; 121.912; 121.9121; 121.914; 121.915; 121.917; 121.935; 122.52; 122.532, subdivision 1; 123.35, subdivisions 5, 8, 8a, 8b, 9, 10, 13, 17, 19a, 19b , And 21; 123.351; 123.3513; 123.3514; 123.40; 123.41; 123.42; 123.582; 123.681; 123.70; 123.701; 123.702; 123.704; 123.7045; 123.71; 123.72; 123.76; 123.77; 123.78; 123.79; 123.799; 123.7991; 123.7992; 123.801; 123.805; 123.931; 123.932; 123.933; 123.935; 123.936; 123.9361; 123.9362; 123.937; 123.947; 123.951; 123.97; 123.972; 124.01; 124.06; 124.07; 124.078; 124.079; 124.08; 124.09; 124.10; 124.12; 124.14; 124.15; 124.155; 124.17; 124.175; 124.177; 124.18; 124.19; 124.193; 124.195; 124.196; 124.2131; 124.2134; 124.2139; 124.214; 124.223; 124.225; 124.226; 124.227; 124.239; 124.242; 124.2442; 124.2445; 124.245; 124.2455; 124.248; 124.255; 124.26; 124.2601; 124.2605; 124.261; 124.2613; 124.2615; 124.2711; 124.2712; 124.2713; 124.2714; 124.2715; 124.2716; 124.2725; 124.2726; 124.2727; 124.2728; 124.273; 124.276; 124.278; 124.311; 124.312; 124.313; 124.314; 124.32; 124.3201; 124.3202; 124.321; 124.322; 124.323; 124.35; 124.36; 124.37; 124.38; 124.381; 124.39; 124.40; 124.41; 124.42; 124.431; 124.44; 124.45; 124.46; 124.472; 124.473; 124.474; 124.476; 124.477; 124.478; 124.479; 124.48; 124.481; 124.491; 124.492; 124.493; 124.494; 124.4945; 124.4946; 124.495; 124.511; 124.573; 124.574; 124.625; 124.63; 124.646; 124.6462; 124.6469; 124.647; 124.6471; 124.6472; 124.648; 124.71; 124.72; 124.73; 124.74; 124.75; 124.755; 124.76; 124.82; 124.829; 124.83; 124.84; 124.85; 124.86; 124.90; 124.91; 124.912; 124.914; 124.916; 124.918; 124.95; 124.961; 124.97; 124A.02; 124A.029; 124A.03; 124A.0311; 124A.032; 124A.034; 124A.035; 124A.036; 124A.04; 124A.22; 124A.225; 124A.23; 124A.24; 124A.26; 124A.28; 124A.29; 124A.291; 124A.292; 124A.30; 124A.31; 124A.697; 124A.698; 124A.70; 124A.71; 124A.711; 124A.72; 124A.73; 124C.07; 124C.08; 124C.09; 124C.10; 124C.11; 124C.12; 124C.41; 124C.45; 124C.46; 124C.47; 124C.48; 124C.49; 124C.498; 124C.55; 124C.56; 124C.57; 124C.58; 124C.60; 124C.71; 124C.72; 124C.73; 124C.74; 124C.77; 125.70; 125.701; 125.702; 125.703; 125.704; 125.705; 126.113; 126.115; 126.12; 126.13; 126.15; 126.151; 126.20; 126.202; 126.21; 126.22; 126.23; 126.235; 126.237; 126.239; 126.261; 126.262; 126.264; 126.265; 126.266; 126.267; 126.269; 126.36; 126.43; 126.45; 126.46; 126.47; 126.48; 126.49; 126.50; 126.501; 126.51; 126.52; 126.531; 126.54; 126.55; 126.56; 126.681; 126.69; 126.699; 126.70; 126.72; 126.77; 126.78; 126.82; 126.84; 126A.01; 126A.06; 126B.01; 126B.03; 126B.06; 126B.10; 127.01; 127.02; 127.03; 127.04; 127.05; 127.06; 127.08; 127.09; 127.10; 127.11; 127.12; 127.13; 127.15; 127.16; 127.17; 127.19; 127.20; 127.21; 127.23; 127.25; 127.26; 127.27; 127.28; 127.281; 127.282; 127.29; 127.30; 127.31; 127.311; 127.32; 127.33; 127.34; 127.35; 127.36; 127.37; 127.38; 127.39; 127.40; 127.41; 127.411; 127.412; 127.413; 127.42; 127.43; 127.44; 127.45; 127.455; 127.46; 127.47; and 127.48.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Education.

Lieder, Peterson, Westfall, Tunheim and Finseth introduced:

H. F. No. 2175, A bill for an act relating to highway construction; increasing the gasoline and special fuel excise tax rates; allocating funds for repair and reconstruction of highways and roads damaged by 1997 spring flooding; appropriating money.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.

Jefferson introduced:

H. F. No. 2176, A bill for an act relating to retirement; modifying local relief association benefit plan provisions; providing postretirement adjustments for certain retirees and benefit recipients; changing Richfield fire department relief association benefit plan provisions; clarifying the benefit floor for certain benefit recipients of the St. Paul police and fire consolidation accounts; amending Minnesota Statutes 1996, sections 353B.07, subdivision 3; 353B.08, subdivision 6; 353B.11, subdivisions 3, 4, And 5; and 424A.02, subdivision 3; amending Laws 1943, chapter 196, section 4, As amended; Laws 1967, chapter 798, sections 2 and 4; and Laws 1992, chapter 563, section 5, As amended.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.