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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature


Thursday, April 25, 2013

The following House Files were introduced:

Kelly, Norton, Kieffer and Garofalo introduced:

H. F. 1805, A bill for an act relating to civil law; providing for civil union relationships; substituting civil union contracts for marriage for purposes of Minnesota law; amending Minnesota Statutes 2012, sections 363A.27; 517.01; 517.02; 517.03; 517.07; 517.08; 517.10; 517.101; 517.20; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 517; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2012, sections 517.04; 517.041; 517.05; 517.06; 517.09; 517.13; 517.14; 517.15; 517.16; 517.18.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Civil Law.

Woodard and Garofalo introduced:

H. F. 1806, A bill for an act relating to fireworks; regulating the manufacture, sale, and use of fireworks; use of related sales tax proceeds; amending Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 297E.021, subdivision 2.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Taxes.

Atkins, Morgan and Masin introduced:

H. F. 1807, A bill for an act relating to capital investment; establishing the Host Community Economic Development grant program; appropriating money; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 116J.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Jobs and Economic Development Finance and Policy.

Slocum introduced:

H. F. 1808, A bill for an act relating to the city of Richfield; authorizing the city to issue certain on-sale licenses.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy.