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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature


Thursday, April 21, 2005

The following House Files were introduced:

Wagenius introduced:

H. F. 2462, A bill for an act relating to retirement; Teachers Retirement Association and the individual retirement account plan; correcting a plan election problem; authorizing eligible Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system employees to elect Teachers Retirement Association coverage and receive retroactive coverage.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Governmental Operations and Veterans Affairs.

Wagenius introduced:

H. F. 2463, A bill for an act relating to retirement; Teachers Retirement Association and the individual retirement account plan; correcting a plan election problem; authorizing eligible Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system employees to elect Teachers Retirement Association coverage and receive retroactive coverage.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Governmental Operations and Veterans Affairs.

Dorman introduced:

H. F. 2464, A bill for an act relating to taxation; property; adding a statement to the truth-in-taxation proposed notices relating to certain charges; listing certain charges on the property tax statement; providing a definition; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 275.065, subdivision 3; 276.04, subdivision 2.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Taxes.

Meslow introduced:

H. F. 2465, A bill for an act relating to public safety; appropriating money for crime victims services.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety Policy and Finance.

Smith introduced:

H. F. 2466, A bill for an act relating to retirement; Hennepin County Supplemental Retirement Program; authorizing the Minnesota State Retirement System to administer the program; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 383B.46, subdivision 2; 383B.47; 383B.48; 383B.49.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Governmental Operations and Veterans Affairs.

Hilty introduced:

H. F. 2467, A bill for an act relating to education; St. Croix River Education District staff development grant; appropriating money.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Education Finance.

Atkins introduced:

H. F. 2468, A bill for an act relating to taxation; modifying a definition used in levy and debt limitations; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 273.032.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Taxes.

Vandeveer introduced:

H. F. 2469, A bill for an act relating to property taxation; providing for a limit on homestead property taxes based on the income of the homeowner; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 290A.03, subdivision 13; 290A.04, subdivisions 1, 2; 290A.23, subdivision 3; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 273.1384, subdivision 1; 290A.04, subdivision 2h.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Taxes.