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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature


Thursday, March 9, 2006

The following House Files were introduced:

Abeler, Huntley, Walker, Wilkin and Samuelson introduced:

H. F. 3264, A bill for an act relating to health; establishing a controlled substances reporting program; providing for disciplinary action; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 152.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health Policy and Finance.

Ellison introduced:

H. F. 3265, A bill for an act relating to highways; authorizing cities of the first class to allow advertising on trash and recycling receptacles placed in rights-of-way of streets and highways; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 160.27, by adding a subdivision.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Transportation.

Hornstein; Dittrich; Scalze; Carlson; Sieben; Wagenius; Pelowski; Mahoney; Johnson, S.; Hortman; Bernardy; Larson; Kelliher; Peterson, S.; Liebling; Slawik; Dorn; Ruud; Goodwin and Hilstrom introduced:

H. F. 3266, A bill for an act relating to education finance; reducing elementary and secondary class sizes through a voluntary, incentive-based funding program; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 120B.36, subdivision 1; 126C.20; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 126C; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 126C.12.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Education Finance.

Atkins introduced:

H. F. 3267, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for the Heritage Village Park in Inver Grove Heights; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance.

Abrams introduced:

H. F. 3268, A bill for an act relating to economic development; establishing the Minnesota Biomedical Sciences Research Facilities Authority and the biomedical sciences research project funding program; providing for the University of Minnesota to apply for facility program funds; authorizing sale of state bonds to fund program; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 116J.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Governmental Operations and Veterans Affairs.

Ozment; Peterson, N.; Johnson, S.; Peterson, A.; Erhardt; Tingelstad; Kelliher; Atkins; Thissen; Loeffler; Mahoney; Haws; Kahn; Murphy; Solberg; Carlson; Wagenius; Moe; Hilstrom; Dittrich; Bernardy; Howes; Dill; Otremba; Ellison; Davnie; Smith; Hausman; Juhnke; Cox; Nelson, P.; Sertich; Gunther; Fritz and Urdahl introduced:

H. F. 3269, A bill for an act relating to natural and cultural resources; proposing an amendment to the Minnesota Constitution, article XI; increasing the sales tax rate by one-fourth of one percent and dedicating the receipts for natural and cultural resource purposes; creating an arts, humanities, museum, and public broadcasting fund; creating a heritage enhancement fund; creating a parks and trails fund; creating a clean water fund; establishing a Heritage Enhancement Council; establishing a Clean Water Council; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 297A.62, subdivision 1; 297A.94; 297B.02, subdivision 1; Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, section 10A.01, subdivision 35; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 85; 97A; 103F; 129D.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.

Davids and Ozment introduced:

H. F. 3270, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for lab addition to the University of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory building, St. Paul campus; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Higher Education Finance.

Atkins introduced:

H. F. 3271, A bill for an act relating to commerce; modifying regulation of barbers and barbering schools; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 154.05; 154.065, subdivision 2; 154.07, by adding a subdivision; 154.09; 154.11, subdivisions 1, 2; 154.15, subdivision 2; Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, section 154.18; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 154.07, subdivision 5.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Financial Institutions.

Hoppe; Kelliher; McNamara; Hackbarth; Hausman; Johnson, S.; Scalze; Ruud; Nelson, P.; Eastlund; Hansen; Kahn; Zellers; Tingelstad; Ozment; Smith and Dean introduced:

H. F. 3272, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for natural area protection in the Twin Cities metropolitan region and portions of the surrounding counties.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Finance.

Davids and Magnus introduced:

H. F. 3273, A bill for an act relating to agriculture; creating a soy-based transformer fluid conversion allowance program; appropriating money.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development.

Simpson, Atkins, Wilkin and Zellers introduced:

H. F. 3274, A bill for an act relating to cities; prohibiting ordinances restricting or charging fees for certain commercial signs; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 415.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Local Government.

Brod and Cox introduced:

H. F. 3275, A bill for an act relating to liquor; authorizing a liquor license for the New Prague Golf Club.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Regulated Industries.

Nelson, P.; Erhardt; Lieder and Cox introduced:

H. F. 3276, A bill for an act relating to transportation; governing contents of impounded vehicles; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 168B.06, subdivision 1; 168B.07, by adding subdivisions.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Transportation.

Nelson, P. introduced:

H. F. 3277, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for wastewater treatment facility and infrastructure in Askov.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Jobs and Economic Opportunity Policy and Finance.

Lanning, Marquart, Magnus, Simpson, Demmer and Lieder introduced:

H. F. 3278, A bill for an act relating to public safety; modifying procedures for community notification for out-of-state sex offenders; amending Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, section 244.052, subdivision 3a.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety Policy and Finance.

Powell, Otremba, Smith and Huntley introduced:

H. F. 3279, A bill for an act relating to human services; modifying psychiatric consultation to include psychologists; amending Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, section 256B.0625, subdivision 48.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health Policy and Finance.

Demmer, Buesgens, Eastlund and Cybart introduced:

H. F. 3280, A bill for an act relating to education; providing for a school board right to unilaterally contract for district services; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 123B.02, subdivision 14.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Education Policy and Reform.

Carlson; Peterson, S.; Mullery and Nornes introduced:

H. F. 3281, A bill for an act relating to insurance; extending the time limit on dependent health coverage for students to compensate for time spent in active military service in the reserves or National Guard; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 62L.02, subdivision 11.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Financial Institutions.

Davids and Atkins introduced:

H. F. 3282, A bill for an act relating to liens; regulating liens for storage charges on certain motor vehicles; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 514.19.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Civil Law and Elections.

Abeler, Samuelson and Huntley introduced:

H. F. 3283, A bill for an act relating to insurance; conforming regulation of qualified long-term care insurance to requirements for state participation in the federal long-term care partnership program; amending state long-term care partnership program requirements; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 62S.05, by adding a subdivision; 62S.08, subdivision 3; 62S.081, subdivision 4; 62S.10, subdivision 2; 62S.13, by adding a subdivision; 62S.14, subdivision 2; 62S.15; 62S.20, subdivision 1; 62S.24, subdivisions 1, 3, 4, by adding subdivisions; 62S.25, subdivision 6, by adding a subdivision; 62S.26; 62S.266, subdivision 2; 62S.29, subdivision 1; 62S.30; Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, section 256B.0571; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 62S.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health Policy and Finance.

Wardlow introduced:

H. F. 3284, A bill for an act relating to local government; prohibiting a town from assessing certain fees in an annexation proceeding; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 414.033, by adding a subdivision; 414.036.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Local Government.

Holberg, Hornstein and Buesgens introduced:

H. F. 3285, A bill for an act relating to metropolitan land use planning; removing the requirement for metropolitan council review of school district capital improvement programs; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 473.175; 473.851; 473.852, subdivision 4; 473.854; 473.856; 473.857, subdivisions 1, 3; 473.864.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Local Government.

Westerberg introduced:

H. F. 3286, A bill for an act relating to natural resources; providing for issuance of a permit to allow certain oversized all-terrain vehicles on public trails; amending Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, section 84.926, subdivision 1.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.

Beard, Dill, Westerberg, Heidgerken and Lieder introduced:

H. F. 3287, A bill for an act relating to aeronautics; accelerating reimbursement of state airports fund; amending Laws 2003, First Special Session chapter 18, article 1, section 2.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Transportation.

Holberg, Hornstein, Scalze and Peterson, N. introduced:

H. F. 3288, A bill for an act relating to public safety; making the chair of the Metropolitan Council or designee a member of the Statewide Radio Board; amending Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, section 403.36, subdivision 1.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety Policy and Finance.

Abeler, Tingelstad, Dittrich and Hortman introduced:

H. F. 3289, A bill for an act relating to local government; granting port authority powers to the city of Ramsey; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 469.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Local Government.

Vandeveer, Peppin, Dean and Knoblach introduced:

H. F. 3290, A bill for an act relating to taxation; repealing the health impact fee; amending Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, section 325D.32, subdivision 9; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, sections 16A.725; 256.9658.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health Policy and Finance.

Vandeveer, Ozment, Haws and Bernardy introduced:

H. F. 3291, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for repairs to the Minnesota Peace Officers Memorial; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on State Government Finance.

Vandeveer introduced:

H. F. 3292, A bill for an act relating to taxation; property; changing the interest rate on delinquent property taxes; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 279.03, subdivision 2; Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, section 279.03, subdivision 1a.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Taxes.

Vandeveer introduced:

H. F. 3293, A bill for an act relating to real property; eminent domain; defining public use; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 117.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Civil Law and Elections.

Greiling introduced:

H. F. 3294, A bill for an act relating to employment; prohibiting mandatory retirement; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 181.81, subdivision 1; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 363A.20, subdivision 9.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Jobs and Economic Opportunity Policy and Finance.

Westerberg introduced:

H. F. 3295, A bill for an act relating to education finance; reestablishing a levy for hazardous pupil transportation; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 123B.88, subdivision 1; 123B.92, by adding a subdivision.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Education Finance.

Greiling, Scalze and Lillie introduced:

H. F. 3296, A bill for an act relating to education finance; authorizing a fund transfer for Independent School District No. 623, Roseville.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Education Finance.

Hortman and Klinzing introduced:

H. F. 3297, A bill for an act relating to education; establishing a public residential high school for science, mathematics, and technology; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 124D.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Education Policy and Reform.

Anderson, B.; Hilstrom and Smith introduced:

H. F. 3298, A bill for an act relating to public safety; amending the drug paraphernalia crime to change the mental state requirement, specifically address sales of drug paraphernalia, and consolidate certain drug paraphernalia crimes into a single statutory section; prohibiting the possession of certain items associated with controlled substance use; imposing criminal penalties; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 152.01, subdivision 18; 152.093; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 152; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 152.094.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety Policy and Finance.

Powell introduced:

H. F. 3299, A bill for an act relating to public safety; adding secondary public safety answering points to 911 emergency communication system; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 403.02, by adding a subdivision.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety Policy and Finance.

Peterson, N. and Holberg introduced:

H. F. 3300, A bill for an act relating to local government; modifying municipal and county planning and zoning provisions; providing standards for interim ordinances; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 394.34; Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, section 462.355, subdivision 4.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Local Government.

Huntley, Walker, Thao, Goodwin and Thissen introduced:

H. F. 3301, A bill for an act relating to health; eliminating the reduction of the family planning special projects grants; amending Laws 2005, First Special Session chapter 4, article 9, section 3, subdivision 2.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health Policy and Finance.

Brod introduced:

H. F. 3302, A bill for an act relating to local government; modifying municipal and county planning and zoning provisions; providing standards for preliminary plat approval in a proposed development; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 394.25, subdivision 7; 462.358, subdivision 3b.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Local Government.

Huntley, Bernardy, Moe, Sailer, Poppe, Loeffler, Haws, Fritz, Liebling, Welti, Simon, Otremba and Koenen introduced:

H. F. 3303, A bill for an act relating to human services; appropriating money for pharmacy and pharmacy-related costs.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health Policy and Finance.

Soderstrom, Otremba, Erickson, Marquart, Abeler and Heidgerken introduced:

H. F. 3304, A bill for an act relating to education finance; increasing the equalizing factors for the debt service equalization aid and referendum equalization aid programs; indexing the equalizing factors; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 123B.53, subdivisions 4, 5; 126C.01, by adding subdivisions; 126C.17, subdivision 6.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Education Finance.

Magnus introduced:

H. F. 3305, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for floodwater retention systems in Area II of the Minnesota River Basin.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Finance.

Soderstrom, Ellison, Otremba, Erickson, Eastlund and Nornes introduced:

H. F. 3306, A bill for an act relating to domestic abuse; providing for the equal protection of male and female victims of domestic abuse; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 13.82, subdivision 5; 116L.362, subdivision 1; 119A.37, subdivision 4; 144D.01, subdivision 4; 256D.02, subdivision 12a; 256G.03, subdivision 2; 256I.04, subdivision 2c; 256J.12, subdivision 1a; 256J.28, subdivision 5; 256J.545; 257.75, subdivision 6; 518B.01, subdivision 21; 518B.02, subdivision 2; 609.101, subdivision 2; 609.605, subdivision 2; 609.7495, subdivision 1; 611A.07, subdivision 1; 611A.202, subdivision 1; 611A.31, subdivisions 2, 3; 611A.32; 611A.34; 611A.345; 611A.35; 611A.37, subdivisions 4, 5, 8; 611A.371; 626.558, subdivision 1; 629.341, subdivision 3; 629.342, subdivision 2; 629.72, subdivision 6; Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, sections 13.871, subdivision 5; 15.0591, subdivision 2; 120B.22, subdivision 1; 201.061, subdivision 3; 256G.02, subdivision 6.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety Policy and Finance.

Erickson introduced:

H. F. 3307, A bill for an act relating to education; ensuring that the standards for effective practice for teachers includes technology and information literacy standards; establishing a seven-year review cycle; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 122A.18, subdivision 2.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Education Policy and Reform.

Smith, Charron, Cornish, Wardlow, Kohls, Newman, Bradley, Demmer and Brod introduced:

H. F. 3308, A bill for an act relating to public safety; encouraging legal immigration; establishing a human trafficking task force; increasing penalties for trafficking crimes; increasing penalties for unlawful acts relating to drivers' licenses; creating the crime of fraudulent identification cards; establishing a Minnesota illegal immigration enforcement team to implement an illegal immigration strategy; requiring law enforcement to collect citizenship and immigration status data; requiring the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension to maintain a citizenship and immigration data field in the bureau's criminal history database; requiring the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension superintendent to periodically supply the Minnesota illegal immigration enforcement team with statistics on crimes committed by individuals with illegal alien status; providing tax credits for immigrants seeking citizenship; codifying the administration rule regarding drivers' licenses for temporary visitors requiring status checks; providing fines against Minnesota employers who violate federal immigration law governing hiring of employees; requiring the commissioner of public safety to integrate biometric facial recognition technology with the Minnesota driver's license and identification card systems; providing criminal penalties for concealing the commission of crimes by use of encryption, gaining unauthorized access through a computer to financial personal data, and facilitating access to computer security systems for purposes of aiding another to commit a crime; prohibiting local governments from enacting sanctuary laws; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 171.01, by adding a subdivision; 171.07, subdivisions 1a, 9, 10; 171.22, subdivision 2; 299C.10, by adding a subdivision; 609.527, by adding a subdivision; 609.652, subdivisions 1, 3; 609.87, subdivisions 1, 11, by adding subdivisions; 609.891, subdivisions 1, 3; Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, sections 171.07, subdivisions 1, 3; 299A.78, subdivisions 1, 2, 3; 299C.10, subdivision 1; 299C.11, subdivision 1; 609.282; 609.283; 609.527, subdivision 1; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 171; 181; 290; 299A; 299C; 609.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety Policy and Finance.

Nelson, P. introduced:

H. F. 3309, A bill for an act relating to state lands; authorizing private sale of certain tax-forfeited land that borders public water in Chisago County.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.

Cornish, Tingelstad, Ozment and Seifert introduced:

H. F. 3310, A bill for an act relating to state government; authorizing advance deposits or payments for boat slip rental; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 16A.065.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Governmental Operations and Veterans Affairs.

Gazelka and Howes introduced:

H. F. 3311, A bill for an act relating to the city of Pequot Lakes; allowing the city to impose a local sales and use tax.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Taxes.

Holberg introduced:

H. F. 3312, A bill for an act relating to drivers' licenses; modifying commercial driver's license revocation provision to conform to federal regulations; modifying definition of "conviction"; modifying content required on driver's license; allowing 60-day cancellation of driver's license when application information inadequate; making clarifying changes; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 169A.52, subdivision 7; 171.01, subdivision 29; 171.14; Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, section 171.07, subdivision 1.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Transportation.

Howes introduced:

H. F. 3313, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for wastewater infrastructure; authorizing sale and issuance of state bonds.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Jobs and Economic Opportunity Policy and Finance.

Samuelson and Finstad introduced:

H. F. 3314, A bill for an act relating to human services; providing nursing facilities with temporary energy assistance grants; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 256B.434, by adding a subdivision.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health Policy and Finance.

Samuelson and Finstad introduced:

H. F. 3315, A bill for an act relating to human services; allowing nursing facilities to receive reimbursement for building projects related to sprinkler systems or compliance with Life Safety Code Standards; amending Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, section 256B.434, subdivision 4.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health Policy and Finance.

Ellison, Wagenius, Walker, Clark, Abeler and Cox introduced:

H. F. 3316, A bill for an act relating to health; ensuring screening of children for lead poisoning; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 144.9501, subdivisions 1, 2; 144.9502, subdivision 1; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 144.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health Policy and Finance.

Ellison, Wagenius, Lesch, Walker and Greiling introduced:

H. F. 3317, A bill for an act relating to health; establishing an elevated blood lead level prevention program; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 144.9502, subdivision 9; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 144.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Health Policy and Finance.

Nelson, P.; Hausman; Scalze; Eastlund; Holberg; Lillie; Tingelstad; Soderstrom; Greiling; Slawik; Lesch; Meslow and Vandeveer introduced:

H. F. 3318, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for the Rush Line Corridor; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance.

Holberg introduced:

H. F. 3319, A bill for an act relating to employment; requiring employers to notify employees of their right to access and review personnel records; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 181.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Jobs and Economic Opportunity Policy and Finance.

Paymar introduced:

H. F. 3320, A bill for an act relating to public safety; appropriating money for a Ramsey County pilot project to address the needs of sexually exploited youth.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety Policy and Finance.

Erickson introduced:

H. F. 3321, A bill for an act relating to public safety; amending the jurisdiction of the Mille Lacs band's police power; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 626.90, subdivision 2.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety Policy and Finance.

Hoppe introduced:

H. F. 3322, A bill for an act relating to liquor; clarifying certain on-sale restrictions; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 340A.504, subdivision 6.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Regulated Industries.

Cox, Meslow, Eken, Abeler and Greiling introduced:

H. F. 3323, A bill for an act relating to education finance; increasing the general education basic formula allowance; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2005 Supplement, section 126C.10, subdivision 2.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Education Finance.

Gazelka and Sviggum introduced:

H. F. 3324, A bill for an act relating to taxation; authorizing the cities of Baxter, Brainerd, and Nisswa to impose a sales and use tax and issue general obligation bonds.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Taxes.

Erickson introduced:

H. F. 3325, A bill for an act relating to state government; designating English as the official language; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 1.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Governmental Operations and Veterans Affairs.

Erickson introduced:

H. F. 3326, A bill for an act relating to education; granting qualified teachers licensure in additional subject areas; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 122A.09, subdivision 4.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Education Policy and Reform.

Gunther; Smith; Johnson, J., and Paymar introduced:

H. F. 3327, A bill for an act relating to public safety; authorizing organizations providing mentoring services to request criminal background checks from the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension; appropriating money; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 299A.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety Policy and Finance.

Haws introduced:

H. F. 3328, A bill for an act relating to capital improvements; authorizing the issuance of state bonds; appropriating money for capital improvements to the National Hockey Center at St. Cloud State University.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Higher Education Finance.

Haws introduced:

H. F. 3329, A bill for an act relating to public safety; increasing the booking fee; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 641.12, subdivision 1.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety Policy and Finance.

Emmer introduced:

H. F. 3330, A bill for an act relating to the attorney general; modifying the attorney general's power to investigate in certain situations; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 8.31, subdivision 2.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety Policy and Finance.

Bernardy introduced:

H. F. 3331, A bill for an act relating to capital improvement; modifying certain appropriations; amending Laws 2005, chapter 20, article 1, section 23, subdivisions 11, 12.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Jobs and Economic Opportunity Policy and Finance.

Greiling and Buesgens introduced:

H. F. 3332, A bill for an act relating to education; requiring school performance report cards to indicate both the cut score and the corresponding percent of items students must answer correctly at set performance levels; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 120B.36, subdivision 1.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Education Policy and Reform.

Jaros, Huntley and Murphy introduced:

H. F. 3333, A bill for an act relating to the city of Duluth; authorizing the city of Duluth to increase the rate of tax on sales of food and beverages; authorizing use of the proceeds of the tax for certain improvements; amending Laws 1980, chapter 511, section 1, subdivision 2, as amended.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Taxes.

Erickson introduced:

H. F. 3334, A bill for an act relating to education; establishing a report card for colleges and universities that offer teacher preparation programs approved by the state Board of Teaching; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 122A.18, by adding a subdivision.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Education Policy and Reform.

Nornes introduced:

H. F. 3335, A bill for an act relating to appropriations; appropriating money to retire interfund loans incurred by the city of Fergus Falls for certain purposes.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.

Lanning; Hoppe; Marquart; Smith; Murphy; Johnson, J., and Zellers introduced:

H. F. 3336, A bill for an act relating to liquor; prohibiting alcohol without liquid devices; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 340A.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Public Safety Policy and Finance.