1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3138, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 76, after line 10, insert:
1.3 "Sec. ....
1.5 Subdivision 1. Definitions. (a) The definitions in this subdivision apply to this section.
1.6(b) "Contraceptive method" means a drug, device, or other product approved by the
1.7Food and Drug Administration to prevent unintended pregnancy.
1.8(c) "Contraceptive service" means consultation, examination, procedures, and medical
1.9services related to the use of a contraceptive method, including natural family planning,
1.10prevent an unintended pregnancy.
1.11(d) "Therapeutic equivalent version" means a drug, device, or product that can be
1.12to have the same clinical effect and safety profile when administered to a patient
under the
1.13condition specified in the labeling and that:
1.14(1) is approved as safe and effective;
1.15(2) is a pharmaceutical equivalent in that the drug, device, or product contains identical
1.16amounts of the same active drug ingredient in the same dosage form and route of
1.17administration, and the drug, device, or product meets compendial or other applicable
1.18standards of strength, quality, purity, and identity;
1.19(3) is bioequivalent in that:
1.20(i) the drug, device, or product does not present a known or potential bioequivalence
1.21problem and meets an acceptable in vitro standard; or
1.22(ii) if the drug, device, or product does present a known or potential bioequivalence
1.23problem, it is shown to meet an appropriate bioequivalence standard;
2.1(4) is adequately labeled; and
2.2(5) is manufactured in compliance with current manufacturing practice regulations.
2.3 Subd. 2. Required coverage; cost sharing prohibited. (a) A health plan must provide
2.4coverage for:
2.5(1) all contraceptive methods, including over-the-counter contraceptives, but excluding
2.6male condoms;
2.7(2) voluntary sterilization procedures;
2.8(3) contraceptive services, patient education, and counseling on contraception; and
2.9(4) follow-up services related to contraceptive methods, voluntary sterilization procedures,
2.10and contraceptive services, including but not limited to management of side effects,
2.11counseling for continued adherence, and device insertion and removal.
2.12(b) A health plan company shall not require any cost-sharing requirements, including
2.13co-pays, deductibles, and coinsurance, for the coverage required by this section.
2.14(c) A health plan company shall not include any referral requirements or restrictions,
2.15require a delay for the coverage required by this section.
2.16(d) If the Food and Drug Administration has approved more than one therapeutic
2.17equivalent version of a contraceptive method, a health plan is not required to include
2.18than one therapeutic equivalent version in its formulary.
2.19(e) If a provider recommends a specific contraceptive method to an enrollee, the health
2.20plan company must provide coverage for the contraceptive method.
2.21(f) If a contraceptive method is not covered by a health plan, the health plan company
2.22must provide enrollees with an easily accessible, transparent, and expedient process,
2.23is not unduly burdensome to the enrollee, to request coverage of the contraceptive
2.24by the health plan.
2.25(g) Nothing in this section allows for the exclusion of coverage for a contraceptive
2.26method prescribed by a provider, acting within the provider's scope of practice, for
2.27other than contraceptive purposes, such as decreasing the risk of ovarian cancer or
2.28symptoms of menopause, or for contraception that is necessary to preserve the life
or health
2.29of an enrollee.
2.30 Subd. 3. Religious employers; exempt. For purposes of this subdivision, a "religious
2.31employer" means an employer that is a nonprofit entity and meets the requirements
2.32section 6033(a)(3)(A)(i) or (iii) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
3.1A religious employer is exempt from this section if the religious employer provides
3.2employees and prospective employees with reasonable and timely notice of the exemption
3.3prior to their enrollment in the health plan. The notice must provide a list of the
3.4methods the employer refuses to cover for religious reasons.
3.5 Subd. 4. Accommodation for eligible organizations. (a) An organization is an "eligible
3.6organization" if it:
3.7(1) is a nonprofit entity that holds itself as a religious organization and opposes
3.8coverage for some or all contraceptive methods or services required to be covered
by this
3.9section on account of religious objections; or
3.10(2) is a closely held for-profit entity and the organization's highest governing body
3.11adopted a resolution or similar action, under the organization's applicable rules
of governance
3.12and consistent with state law, establishing that it objects to covering some or all
of the
3.13contraceptive methods or services on account of the owners' sincerely held religious
3.15(3) submits a notice to its health plan company stating that it qualifies as an eligible
3.16organization under this subdivision and that it has a religious objection to coverage
for all,
3.17or a subset of, contraceptive methods or services.
3.18(b) For purposes of paragraph (a), clause (2), a closely held for-profit entity is
an entity
3.19that has:
3.20(1) more than 50 percent of the value of its ownership interest owned directly or
3.21by five or fewer individuals, or has an ownership structure that is substantially
similar; and
3.22(2) no publicly traded ownership interest, meaning any class of common equity securities
3.23required to be registered under United States Code, chapter 15, section 78l.
3.24(c) For purposes of paragraph (b), ownership interests owned by:
3.25(1) a corporation, partnership, estate, or trust are considered owned proportionately
3.26the entity's respective shareholders, partners, or beneficiaries;
3.27(2) an individual are considered owned, directly or indirectly, by or for the individual's
3.28family. For purposes of this clause, "family" includes brothers and sisters, including
3.29half-brothers and half-sisters, a spouse, ancestors, and lineal descendants; and
3.30(3) the person that holds the option to purchase an ownership interest are considered
3.31be the owner of those ownership interests.
3.32(d) A health plan company that receives the notice described in paragraph (a) must:
4.1(1) exclude coverage of contraceptive methods and services, as requested by the eligible
4.2organization, from the health plan; and
4.3(2) provide enrollees with a separate payment for any contraceptive methods and services
4.4that would be covered if the organization was not an eligible organization.
4.5(e) The requirements of subdivision 2 apply to payments made by a health plan company
4.6under this subdivision.
4.7EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective January 1, 2020, and applies to coverage
4.8offered, sold, issued, or renewed on or after that date."
4.9Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
4.10Amend the title accordingly