1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 778, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert
1.3 "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 3.8842, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1.4 Subdivision 1.
Purpose. The Legislative Commission on Minnesota Sports Facilities is
1.5established by and under the authority of the Legislative Coordinating Commission
1.6oversee the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority's operating and capital budgets
, and to
1.7oversee the authority's use of suites, cabin suites, parking, food service, or other
1.8amenities. The legislature finds that continuous legislative review of the
1.9management of the authority is necessary to promote fiscal responsibility and good
1.10management, and strengthen the
public accountability of the authority. The commission is
1.11charged with:
1.12(1) providing financial oversight of the authority as described in subdivision 8;
1.13(2) adoption of a statewide authority structure for the operation and management of
1.14sports facilities and entertainment venues under the jurisdiction of the authority.
The authority
1.15membership shall represent the interests of both the metropolitan area and greater
1.17(3) creating a comprehensive management plan that alleviates booking and scheduling
1.18concerns regarding the sports facilities and entertainment venues under the jurisdiction
1.19the authority
; and
1.20(4) reviewing all use of stadium amenities, examining all public and private records
1.21such uses, and providing oversight of authority compliance with appropriate public
uses of
1.22the stadium by members or staff of the authority.
1.23EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
2.1 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 3.8842, subdivision 7, is amended to read:
2.2 Subd. 7.
Meetings; procedures. The commission meets at least semiannually. If there
2.3is a quorum, the commission may take action by a simple majority vote of commission
2.4members present.
The authority must conduct meetings to review the reports of the authority
2.5required by section 473J.09, subdivision 13.
2.6EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
2.7 Sec. 3.
2.9 Subdivision 1. Applicability. This section applies to the following facilities:
2.10(1) In Minneapolis, U.S. Bank Stadium, Target Field, Target Center, and TCF Bank
2.11Stadium; and
2.12(2) In Saint Paul, Xcel Energy Center, RiverCentre, and CHS Field.
2.13 Subd. 2. Preferential access prohibited; exceptions. (a) Except as provided in this
2.14subdivision, a facility's public governing body may not provide an official, a member
of an
2.15official's immediate family, an employee of the public governing body, or a member
of an
2.16employee's immediate family with free, discounted, or preferential access to:
2.17(1) admission tickets or parking privileges for events conducted at the facility;
2.18(2) private suites, upgraded seating areas, or premium event experiences; or
2.19(3) any other premium facility benefits or amenities.
2.20(b) This subdivision does not prohibit free, discounted, or preferential access if:
2.21(1) the access serves a public purpose, and each attendee's presence is necessary
2.22further that purpose; or
2.23(2) an equivalent level of access is provided to the general public, or is provided
2.24of the recipient's membership in a group, a majority of whose members are not officials,
2.25family members of an official, employees of the facility's public governing body,
or family
2.26members of an employee, and equivalent access is provided to all members of the group.
2.27(c) As used in this subdivision, "official" means an elected official or public employee
2.28subject to restrictions on the receipt of gifts under any applicable Minnesota law.
2.29 Subd. 3. Use of facility suites and other premium amenities by authority members
2.30and staff; public purpose required. (a) The use of any amenity controlled by a facility's
2.31public governing body by a member or employee of the public governing body, including
3.1preferential access to private suites, cabin suites or other similar gathering spaces,
3.2food service, and other premium amenities, is prohibited unless the use serves a public
3.3purpose, and each attendee's presence is necessary to further that purpose. A record
of all
3.4uses under this subdivision, and their public purpose, is public at all times, and
must be
3.5posted on the Web site of the facility's public governing body, if the body maintains
a Web
3.7(b) A facility's public governing body must adopt a policy prohibiting all uses of
3.8amenity controlled by the governing body by a member or employee of the body for a
3.9private purpose, unless the use is provided at fair market value to the user.
3.10 Subd. 4. Code of ethics applies. Members of a facility's public governing body, and
3.11any employees of the facility's public governing body, are subject to section 43A.38,
3.12supplemented by any statewide operating policy adopted by the commissioner of management
3.13and budget that establishes a code of conduct for employees in the executive branch.
3.14EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
3.15 Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 473J.07, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
3.16 Subd. 2.
Membership. (a) The authority shall consist of
five nine members.
3.17(b) The chair and two members shall be appointed by the governor. One member
3.18appointed by the governor shall serve until December 31 of the third year following
3.19appointment and one member shall serve until December 31 of the fourth year following
3.20appointment. Thereafter, members appointed by the governor shall serve four-year terms,
3.21beginning January 1. Each member serves until a successor is appointed and takes office.
3.22The chair serves at the pleasure of the governor.
3.23(c) The mayor of the city shall appoint two members to the authority. One member
3.24appointed by the mayor of the city shall serve until December 31 of the third year
3.25appointment and one member shall serve until December 31 of the fourth year following
3.26appointment. Thereafter, members appointed under this paragraph shall serve four-year
3.27terms beginning January 1. Each member serves until a successor is appointed and takes
3.28office. Members appointed under this paragraph may reside within the city and may
3.29appointed officials of a political subdivision.
3.30(d) The legislature shall appoint four members, as follows:
3.31(1) one member must be appointed by the speaker of the house;
3.32(2) one member must be appointed by the minority leader of the house;
4.1(3) one member must be appointed by the majority leader of the senate; and
4.2(4) one member must be appointed by the minority leader of the senate.
4.3(d) (e) The initial members of the authority must be appointed not later than June 13,
Current members of the legislature are not eligible to be appointed to the authority.
4.5EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
4.6Appointees required by this section must be appointed no later than July 1, 2017.
4.7 Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 473J.09, subdivision 13, is amended to read:
4.8 Subd. 13.
Legislative report. (a) The authority must report to the
Legislative Commission
4.9on Minnesota Sports Facilities and the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative
4.10committees with jurisdiction over state government finance
4.11by January 15
, April 15, July 15, and October 15 of each year on the following:
4.12(1) any recommended increases in the rate or dollar amount of tax;
4.13(2) any recommended increases in the debt of the authority;
4.14(3) the overall work and role of the authority;
4.15(4) the authority's proposed operating and capital budgets;
4.16(5) the authority's implementation of the operating and capital budgets
, including
4.17information on actual revenues and expenditures, events conducted, and all expected
4.18unexpected maintenance and capital repair needs arising since the time of the last
4.20(6) a listing of all stadium amenities under the control of the authority since the
time of
4.21the last report, and how the amenities were used.
4.22EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
4.23 Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 473J.09, is amended by adding a subdivision to
4.25 Subd. 16. Use of stadium amenities for charitable purposes. The authority may donate
4.26its access to stadium amenities to nonprofit organizations serving disadvantaged members
4.27of the Minnesota public, if the authority adopts an equitable application process
and procedure
4.28for selecting recipients of the donation. A record of organizations provided access
4.29this subdivision is public at all times, and must be posted on the authority's Web
4.30EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.
5.1 Sec. 7.
5.3The legislative auditor is requested to conduct a review of the management structure
5.4the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority established in Minnesota Statutes, chapter
5.5The review is requested to prioritize consideration of the authority's leadership
5.6including the necessity for the authority to be simultaneously led by a full-time
5.7director and a full time chair. As appropriate, the review may include recommendations
5.8legislation to improve the authority's management structure. The review must be submitted
5.9to the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Sports Facilities, and the chairs and ranking
5.10minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over state government
5.11finance, no later than January 15, 2018."
5.12Amend the title accordingly