1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 778, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 6, after line 8, insert:
1.3 "Sec. 13.
1.4No later than January 15, 2018, the legislative auditor is requested to review the
1.5operations and management structure of publicly-owned major sports event facilities
1.6Minnesota, including U.S. Bank Stadium, Target Field, Target Center, and TCF Bank
1.7Stadium in Minneapolis, and Xcel Energy Center and CHS Field in St. Paul. Upon
1.8completion, the review must be submitted to the chairs and ranking minority members
1.9the legislative committees with jurisdiction over state government finance, and to
1.10Legislative Commission on Minnesota Sports Facilities.
1.11At a minimum, the review must consider:
1.12(1) the structure and oversight responsibilities of each facility's public governing
1.13(2) whether the public governing bodies have access to tickets, suites, or other premium
1.14amenities for events conducted in the facilities they oversee, including the terms
1.15which the access is provided; and
1.16(3) whether the public governing bodies have adopted policies or procedures to ensure
1.17their oversight activities, including those of individual members acting on behalf
of the
1.18governing body, are transparent and in furtherance of the public interest.
1.19The review must compare and contrast the practices of each public governing body and
1.20may recommend best practices for improving the governance, operations, and public
1.21accountability of each body. As necessary, the review may also propose any changes
in law
1.22necessary to implement these best practices."
1.23Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references