More people could be eligible for Xcel Energy’s Solar Rewards Program.
Sponsored by Rep. Marion O'Neill (R-Maple Lake), HF3232 would make the program easier to use by increasing the maximum capacity of solar energy systems eligible for incentives from 20 kilowatts to 40 kilowatts.
The House Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance Committee approved the bill, as amended, Tuesday and sent it to the House Ways and Means Committee.
Representing Ideal Energies, Reid LeBeau said the bill is corresponding policy language “that we need” after the Made in Minnesota Solar Program was repealed last year. That program provided incentives for projects up to 40 kilowatts, while Xcel’s Solar Rewards program was for projects up to 20 kilowatts – this bill closes that gap.
“This language is needed just to make sure the intended beneficiaries of that money – so that the law follows those beneficiaries – that’s really all this bill does,” LeBeau said.
The bill’s companion, SF2696, sponsored by David Osmek (R-Mound), is awaiting action on the Senate Floor.