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Session Daily Archive

A compendium of Session Daily articles dating back to 2004

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End of the line for faltering Northstar Commuter Rail service could be in sight

It’s a rare occurrence when a House committee gathers to debate a bill, then is told during testimony that the bill’s wish has been granted. Such was the case at Monday’s me...

Bill to halt new light rail projects stalls on House Floor

As costs have risen for light rail projects in the Twin Cities metropolitan area, so have concerns among some legislators about whether the benefits are worth the outlays. O...

Proposed grant program aims to prevent rural ambulance services from going further into red

Last year, the Legislature sent $24 million to struggling ambulance services that were hemorrhaging dollars. Those funds won’t permanently stop the bleeding or even act as a...

Minnesota legislators consider shift to bipartisan redistricting commission

Legislative districts are redrawn every 10 years to ensure they are comparable in population. That task now falls to legislators, who have routinely failed in their efforts....

House bill proposes earlier driver's test booking, heftier cancellation penalties

If you’ve secured an appointment for a driver’s test in Minnesota, you may feel a sense of accomplishment akin to that of squeezing your vehicle into a particularly tight parkin...

House oversight panel targets child care fraud after reports of misuse

Members on both sides of the political aisle agree that any fraud in the state’s child care system is unacceptable. Department of Human Services’ officials agree. What t...

Week in Review: Feb. 17-21

Things are picking up in the House. Lawmakers debated, rejected and tabled their first bill on the House Floor this week. HF20 would make data collected by the attorney gene...

House debates, rejects then tables bill to change data disclosures of AG office

There was plenty of parliamentary drama as the House took up its first bill of the session Thursday and then tabled it after about a 90-minute debate. The bill regarding dat...

Energy committee sends proposed solar metering changes to House Floor

If you have solar panels on your home, barn or business that are hooked up to your local investor-owned, municipal or cooperative utility, you’re both a producer and a consumer ...

U of M officials outline requested $235 million budget increase

Every biennium, University of Minnesota officials come before the House Higher Education Finance and Policy Committee with a budget request. How they present this year’s request...

Minnesota's senior anglers could hook discounted fishing license fees

Two lawmakers tested the waters Thursday for giving some anglers a break on licensing fees they must pay to drop a line into Minnesota’s rivers, lakes and streams. Rep. Mary...

Corrections department seeks $58 million to address safety, other needs at Rush City prison

Corrections Commissioner Paul Schnell has safety and programming concerns at the Rush City facility. Schnell said the facility is “warehousing” about 1,000 prisoners, twice ...

Critics warn of safety compromises as broadband bill advances

Depending on your perspective, a bill approved Thursday would either remove unnecessary roadblocks to expanding broadband across the state or water down standards that ensure pe...

Free speech concerns raised over MN civil rights data collection

A 2023 law gave the Department of Human Rights authority to collect and analyze civil rights trends, “including information compiled from community organizations that work direc...

Bill aims to defray costs of new health insurance mandates

State mandates requiring health insurance providers cover certain medical expenses to help people, but they come with a cost. It can be particularly challenging for small bu...

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