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Bill Summaries: 2025–2026

Bill summaries are prepared by Legislative Analysts of the nonpartisan Minnesota House Research Department for House members, staff, and the general public. Generally, summaries are only prepared for bills that have been scheduled for public hearings.

Multiple versions of a bill summary reflects amendments to the bill that were adopted in committee or on the House or Senate floor. All versions of bill summaries, both most recent and previous, are available.

Our strong suggestion is that readers review the language of the bill itself rather than relying entirely on information in the summary.

Showing Summaries for: 

BillLatest SummarySubjectPrior Summaries
HF 1Fourth engrossmentInspector GeneralAll versions
HF 2First engrossmentState GovernmentAll versions
HF 3Second EngrossmentState GovernmentAll versions
HF 4As amended by H0004DE2Constitutional amendment – tax relief accountAll versions
HF 5Second engrossmentTax imposition and allocation modificationsAll versions
HF 6First EngrossmentEducation PolicyAll versions
HF 7As amended by H0007A8Various public safety provisionsAll versions
HF 8Second EngrossmentEnvironmental PermittingAll versions
HF 9As IntroducedEnergy provisions modified; sales tax exemption for residential heating fuels and electricity expanded 
HF 10First engrossmentState government: services and benefits for undocumented noncitizensAll versions
HF 11As introducedMinnesota Paid Leave Law 
HF 12First EngrossmentSportsAll versions
HF 13As introducedRemoving the duty to retreat before using force in defense of self or others 
HF 14As introducedLight rail transit expenditures temporary moratorium 
HF 15First EngrossmentSchool safetyAll versions
HF 16As introducedImmigration data sharing 
HF 18As introducedSales tax exemption for certain baby products 
HF 20As introducedGovernment Data Practices: Attorney General Data 
HF 21As introducedPeacetime emergencies 
HF 22Third engrossmentParent's Bill of RightsAll versions
HF 23First EngrossmentWhistleblower protectionsAll versions
HF 24As introducedRecognition, medical care for born alive infants 
HF 25Second engrossmentGrants to women's pregnancy centers and maternity homesAll versions
HF 26As introducedEmergency management 
HF 27As introducedEliminating authority and funding for a public option 
HF 28First EngrossmentData center regulation 
HF 29As IntroducedSocial Studies Standards 
HF 36As introducedMedical Assistance payment rates for nonemergency medical transportation services 
HF 43As IntroducedBiofuel infrastructure grants 
HF 45As introducedSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Outreach Program 
HF 47As introducedUnderground telecommunications infrastructure installation 
HF 52As introducedPupil Transportation Sparsity Adjustment 
HF 53As introducedPupil Transportation Sparsity Adjustment 
HF 56As IntroducedSafe Schools Revenue 
HF 62As IntroducedStudent attendance 
HF 65As IntroducedHealth Standards 
HF 66As introducedSpecial Election Filing Periods 
HF 69As introducedLocal general elections 
HF 72As introducedCampaign Expenditures by Publicly-Funded Organizations 
HF 73As introducedPolitical Contribution Refund 
HF 75As IntroducedRenewable Energy Standard 
HF 81As IntroducedPerfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) 
HF 86As IntroducedCommunity emergency medical technicians 
HF 89As introducedPhysician assistant collaborative agreement requirements 
HF 93As introducedAmbulance service training and staffing grant program 
HF 94As introducedReimbursement to ambulance services for education costs 
HF 98As amended by H0098A2Mental health services provider requirements 
HF 100As amended by H0100A1Social Security income; 100 percent subtraction allowed 
HF 101First engrossmentGovernment data practices: educational data on parentsAll versions
HF 124First engrossmentGifts and local government expenditures related to an officer killed in line of dutyAll versions
HF 127As introducedChild pornography penalties 
HF 128As introducedIncreased penalties for engaging in prostitution with a minor 
HF 129As introducedRequiring the director of child sex trafficking prevention to submit a program evaluation to the legislature 
HF 130As introducedEstablishing mandatory minimum sentences for certain sex trafficking offenses 
HF 131As introducedPredatory Offender Registration 
HF 135As introducedConsecutive sentences for certain inmates of local facilities 
HF 146As introducedLocal government aid penalty forgiveness 
HF 161As introducedLand-value taxation districts 
HF 169As amended by H0169A1All lawful gambling receipts subjected to a flat rate tax, and combined net receipts tax repealedAll versions
HF 170As introducedEstate tax phase out 
HF 173As introducedResearch credit 
HF 173As introducedResearch credit 
HF 174As introducedCooperative utility distribution line attachments and appurtenances 
HF 177As amended by H0177A1Sales tax exemption for construction of new single-family residential housing for first-time homebuyers 
HF 178As amended by H0178A1Sales tax exemption for construction of new multifamily residential housing for first-time homebuyers 
HF 185As introducedResilient pavement program 
HF 189As introducedElectric vehicles; surcharges and general fund transfers 
HF 192As introducedMnDOT cost participation limitations 
HF 194As introducedMarket value exclusion for veterans with a disability 
HF 195As introducedProperty tax exemption for property owned by a congressionally chartered veterans service organization 
HF 202As introducedU.S. Highway 169/Trunk Highway 282 interchange 
HF 247First EngrossmentNonoxygenated gasoline storage tanksAll versions
HF 249As amended by H0249A1Definition of “carbon-free” technology 

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